This awe-inspiring documentary effectively showcases the possibilities of 3D film. Directed, written and narrated by German filmmaker Werner Herzog, Cave of Forgotten Dreams centres on the discovery and study of the Chauvet Cave in southern France. The cave, which was discovered in 1994, is home to what is now believed to be the earliest known cave paintings and various traces of early civilisation.

The fact that the subject of the film is such a monumental discovery already provides a lot of the film’s allure. Herzog with his film crew, along with scientists and archaeologists take us through the cave, providing both facts and insights about its previous inhabitants. I was astounded by the cave paintings – many of which are so life-like and perfect – really challenging the notion of a “primitive” people whose drawings are basic and stick figure-like. The paintings in the Chauvet Cave show complexity, attention to detail and artistic ability – as one of the scientists states, the paintings look so fresh that they had to be verified of their authenticity.